Sunday, October 30, 2011

I don't understand the baseball tradition

I am a big sports fan and love watching baseball but ever since I was little there was one thing I never understood. Why do managers wear the uniforms like the players? A lot of them are fat, old guys who I can relate to but I can't relate to wearing the uniform. I have brought this up to several friends of mine in the past but a link I saw the other day refreshed my memory on the subject.

I am right with this guy all the way. Tony Larussa just won the world series and is my favorite manager of all time because of when he managed the A's but he looks ridiculous. Can you imagine if coaches had to wear uniforms in every sport. I would love to see Rex Ryan throwing on football pads and a helmet. He would look like a big green version of the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man. Or in basketball if Coach K had real baggy shorts and a jersey with no t-shirt underneath. He would look a lot like one of his campers during K Academy and that is not a pretty site let me tell you no matter how much you work out when you get older. Now what are some of the sports where this would be the funniest? How about a swim coach putting on a speedo and nothing else? The last U.S. swimming coach is here at Texas and he is around 70 years old. There might be some volleyball coaches I would like to see in the tight spandex but definitely not any of the male ones. The only other coaches that remotely come close to wearing what the players do are tennis and golf but everyone who is a country clubber only has a selection of five ugly shirts and pants to choose from at the pro shop.

Going back to baseball ... I understand why managers had uniforms back in the 20's and 30's because most of them were the veteran guys on the team who coached and played both. However, when it became a job that was strictly coaching and not playing they should have went the sweater vest route like Tressel or the hooded sweatshirt like Belichek if nothing else. I think everybody that works with the team should get to wear the uniform, not just the manager, coaching staff and bat boy. I would like to see the guy playing the organ in a full uniform, stepping on the foot pedal with his golden spikes. Maybe the guy selling beer could wear batting gloves so he doesn't drop any.

This is the thing in sports that disturbs me the most besides ESPN but who am I to be the rational one. Let these old guys feel youthful and attached to the game by wearing uniforms. I am shocked Nolan Ryan didn't have on a uniform as a GM sitting at the World Series. At least he earned the right unlike some of the other managers in baseball.

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